Monday, April 30, 2012


One Rep Max – Over Head Squat

Regular WOD
10 minute AMRAP
3 shoulder to overhead (155,105)
6 front squats (155,105)
12 hand-release push-ups
Level 2 (115/80)
Level 1 (95/55)

Cash Out
400m run or 500m Row

Crossfit Endurance
Long Intervals

Choose ONE of the following sports:
Swim: 5:00 on, 2:30 off, 6:00 on, 3:00 off, 7:00 on.
Bike: 5:00 on, 2:30 off, 6:00 on, 3:00 off, 7:00 on.
Run: 5:00 on, 2:30 off, 6:00 on, 3:00 off, 7:00 on.
Row: 5:00 on, 2:30 off, 6:00 on, 3:00 off, 7:00 on.

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